Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Poetry on Trolling

Who can I trust?
I have no answer.
Who loves me?
I do not know.
Who is my friend?
I thought I knew.
But I don't know you.

I know.

I know that my intentions are honourable.
I know that I am innocent.
I know that I was attacked.
In my own space.
I know that my attacker.
Behind anonymity.
A bully.
And a coward.
And ashamed of your actions.
Even as they were perpetrated.

I know what was said.
And a copy is saved.
An automatic email from my blog.
A comment you made.
Your words.
Word for word.

I know that this site.
Is unlisted.
Is unsearchable.
I know that you used "friends".
While insulting me.
While assuming the worst of me.
While disrespecting me.
In my own space.
And sadly.
That means I know you.

But I don't know.
I don't know who.

I said I was sorry.
For any misunderstanding.
For any hurt.
I meant it.
But you don't care.
Do you.

I wish you were not in my life.
But I cannot extricate you.
Because I don't know who you are.
And you have robbed me.
Of that right.

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