Tuesday, February 14, 2006

To "Anonymous"

Earlier today, someone posted an anonymous comment to one of my posts. It hurt me. I did not wish to preserve that pain, and so I deleted it. But what was written makes it apparent that I have inadvertently hurt someone's feelings. This was not my intent.

I have tremendous respect for all of the people who I am proud to call friends. I expect those people have a similar level of respect for me, though to be frank, anonymously attacking me on my own blog doesn't really demonstrate that.

If you are my friend and I hurt you, I can assure you that it was unintentional. Please call me, as I would like to apologize in person for any misunderstanding.

If you are not my friend, please refrain from commenting in my space. Your opinions simply do not matter to me. I will delete your posts accordingly.


Anonymous said...

Your generosity amazes me. You are always willing to give the benefit of the doubt, even to abusive anonymous posters who are so ashamed of what they are writing that they can’t put their name to it.

You are kind, generous, fair-minded, honest, courteous, compassionate, and wise.

Your son is lucky to have you as a role model, and your friends are lucky to have you in their lives.

Momma Trish said...

Awwww, thanks!