Monday, February 20, 2006

Good friends 'n' stuff

Bought J a cup with a straw. It has a snowglobe in the bottom of it, with a little elephant that moves about. What baby doesn't need a snowglobe cup? Obviously, it's for J!


Today, L&P were kind enough to give us a one-day-only coupon for a couch from Ikea. Denim blue. Deep cushions. Seats four comfortably. Looks good. Comfy. Great price. Happy shoppers. It will be here on Friday.


Went out tonight to visit with L&P. Much fun was had. L made crisped pitas and hummus. She opened the oven door and pulled out the flaming cookie sheet of fiery pitas, and for one brief, shining moment, it was beautiful. Like a Cherries Jubilee. Or Hell. Then she blew out the flames, and the smoke detector went off. The men were downstairs, wondering how we could possibly have burnt hummus. It was then that we decided that the pitas did not need to be crisped after all.

Took the food downstairs. Started to eat and enjoy some pleasant conversation. Gave J a small piece of pita to eat/play with. When next we looked at him, he was sitting on the floor with two pita wedges hanging out of his mouth like tusks. Pitas make good teething biscuits.

Good conversation. Kids played. J got pushed down and pulled around by Gemma-the-Giant, and he cried a bit 'cause he was scared. She was just playing; had no idea why he was crying. All is good.


Today, I visited Easter Island. Not much to see. Small and green. I really don't know what all the fuss is about.


Anonymous said...

Flames! Flames! LOL If only I had meant to do it, it would have been beautiful. No, it WAS beautiful! But I'm glad my hair didn't catch on fire as I blew it out. LOL

Anonymous said...

Re: Easter Island

The fuss is about the big head sculptures made by people who have now vanished into the mists of time, but you probably can't see them well enough by satelite.

Momma Trish said...

The Google Earth folks just don't have a high resolution of Easter Island available yet. Once they do, I should be able to see the sculptures.

I was rather disappointed that I couldn't see them yet. But all things in time, I suppose.