Monday, February 06, 2006

The space bar makes a train!

My friend Liz said Mommy could install a keyboard banger for me to play with. She installed the first one. It's cool!

I like the space bar the best. The space bar makes a train! And it whistles and everything! I just sit on Mommy's lap and hold down the space bar, as trains appear everywhere; then the screen clears itself, and more trains appear. More and more and more trains!

Can you believe it? Trains!!

On another note:

t8hmnhh nii bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb jn


Anonymous said...


Nezbitt said...

I highly recommend the keyboard banger that makes sparklies come out of the mouse cursor.

Ooooooooo... pretty!

Nezbitt said...

Not that I ever played with them...

I was, uh..., Izzy was playing them!!! Yeah... Izzy.

Jed said...

Sparklies? There are sparklies?

Could you (or "Izzy") tell my Mommy which one it is and where she can find it, so that she can upload it for me? (I can't do it myself yet. You know how it is.)
