Friday, February 10, 2006

All random, all the time

J now weighs 16.5 lbs. He is still below the fifth percentile for his adjusted age, but he's getting closer to an acceptable range. However, at only 25.5 inches, he appears to be shrinking. I theorize that he scrunches up when being measured.

My new printer is a gem, and it is generally far faster than the old printer. But it still takes a really long time to print pages when it is set to thicker paper. Currently, I'm on page 6 of a 20-ish page job. It may be awhile. I swear, each page is taking around 10 minutes. I wish this would go faster. Ah well. Best to do it right, I suppose.

I have a healthy sense of humor; it's just selective. There are some types of comedy that I just don't get. For example, I once knew a guy who went to a "meet the new baby" night for some friends who'd been struggling with infertility for several years; once there, he commented that "That's the ugliest baby I've ever seen in my life". Yeah. I don't get that. Is it funny?

Maybe it's funny. Maybe I just need some direction. Is it funnier if it's said in person, or in writing? Is it funnier signed, or anonymous? What if it's said in person, but the guy giggles while saying it? What if the baby is exceptionally cute? Or really homely? Which is funnier? Is it funnier if the baby's mom fumes in silence or cries openly? What if the dad kicks the guy out of the party and they never speak again? Or would it be funnier to have the dad escort him out personally and beat him up in the driveway? Minor injury, or permanent brain damage?

Is it funny? Why? How?

Tonight, I feel tired and achy and fat and ugly. I'd like to not. It will likely pass by morning, though. That's one thing about a bad mood; it doesn't last forever.

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