Monday, February 20, 2006

My car! My course! Ow! My head!

Well, the car is in need of assistance. It seems our fuel emission system is not functioning properly. The warning light came on, so we had to take it in to get some diagnostic work done. The car is in need of a tune-up, new spark plugs, a new fuel filter, and some other stuff that I didn't quite get. H is at the dealership getting it dealt with. Fortunately, we have considerable family assistance available for fixing some of this stuff. Otherwise, the bill would have run around $350. Yikes! I hope it will be quite a bit less, but I don't know for sure just now.

I wrote my last quiz for this course today. I did not do well. Of course, there was one question that was not covered in my materials at all. There was also one question that was sort of skimmed over, and it appears that the quiz answer is incorrect. And there was a trick question that I fell into. But for the life of me, I do not understand why variable selling expenses would be affected in a sale in which regular business is not disturbed!! I'll accept it, but I don't understand it. I'm arguing that I should receive full marks on the other two questions, though. I think that is fair. But I doubt it will happen.

It seems Management Accounting is just not my forte. Good thing I'm not studying to become a CMA, then, isn't it? Still, I've done reasonably well on the quizzes, and I have a 91.67% going into the exam. It's the same overall quiz score I had in my last course, and it counts for 30% of my final grade. We'll see how things go in the rapidly approaching exam. I do not feel confident. Good thing I have a couple of weeks to go.

I have a pounding sinus headache. It started last night, left this morning, and has now returned. It will not help my mood. I believe that I require chocolate today.

Meanwhile, J sleeps peacefully in his swing, blissfully unaware that his mommy is about ready to climb to the roof and start randomly shooting.

But I have no gun. Drat!

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