Thursday, February 16, 2006

Cat scratch fever

Well, today our older cat decided that she couldn't make it to the litter box in time. She did her business on the toilet seat cover instead. It's been a long time since we've had such accidents in our household. At least she got as close to a toilet as she could.

Tonight, H, J and Kitty were all cuddling on the couch. J decided to grab the cat's fur and yank. H wasn't quick enough in reacting; the cat felt she had to protect herself, and she turned on the baby. Fortunately, she knows what is appropriate, even when provoked. She bared her teeth and rubbed them against his hand to give him a hint. H pulled J's hand away, and cuddles proceeded as usual. I'm glad to know the cat will not hurt our boy.

J is still teething and grumpy. He's feverish. He's drooly. He has a runny nose. He has a bit of a congested cough. And he keeps throwing up. He has puked many, many times today. I hope this tooth he's working on pops through soon. I want him to feel better!

Little J kept us up through much of last night. Oh, how I hope he sleeps well tonight. I need a good sleep. Being tired affects my productivity something fierce. My exam is only a few weeks away, and I need to be productive.

Ah. Massive baby slobber on my clothes. How nice!


Draya's Mom said...

The other day Draya did something that made Ginger take a swipe at her. He's declawed though and I think it was just a warning shot anyway.

Momma Trish said...

Yeah. Cats will be cats. I'm glad ours didn't nip at J. It was just a warning. Thankfully!