Friday, February 17, 2006

Going to the doctor

J was up every hour last night, crying and in need of comfort. Generally, he wanted his soother and a few caresses and words of love. No problem. Honestly, the hardest part was resisting my urge to pick him up and let him sleep in our bed with us. But I know none of us would have slept any better that way, so I resisted. We're all tired today.

Poor little J is really fussy. He's tired and warm, crying, with a runny nose and hacking cough, and he sounds mighty hoarse. He's getting doped up for pain and also receiving his baby decongestant and saline drops to help with his cough and stuffiness. We're going to see his pedi this afternoon.

On a positive note, he has not thrown up today ... yet. He threw up many many times yesterday. I hope his little tummy is feeling a bit better now.

I imagine the doctor will have J's bloodwork repeated at this point. I hope his iron levels have risen (raised? raisin? I'm tired...), and that we can discontinue the iron drops now. They're hard on the stomach, and may be contributing to his vomiting.

J loves things with buttons. Phones and remote controls are favorites. But he isn't allowed to play with those, try as he might. This morning, I took a phone away from him, and he started to sob. (J doesn't cry too much these days, but he's sick, and he wanted his toy.) So H went upstairs and found a small remote control that had been part of a now broken stereo. He took the batteries out and let J play with it.

And J was happy, and it was good.


Draya's Mom said...

So that's where Draya got it from! She was snotty and coughy yesterday and neither one of us has been sick. No throwing up though thank-fully (poor little J!), just owly. I'm bad though... I often cave and bring her into our bed. It quites her down so I can get some sleep too.

Momma Trish said...

Sorry. I did not mean to "share".

The good news, though, is that the doctor says it's just a cold. No ear infection. We just have to make sure he keeps eating and drinking, so he doesn't get dehydrated. And he should be better shortly.