Friday, March 03, 2006

I'm still ... standing?

Today, J was standing up in his crib. I grabbed the camera and snapped a few pictures. I sang "I'm Still Standing" to keep him amused while I took the pictures.

I finished taking pictures. I put the camera in the diaper bag and started downstairs to get everything together to head out and get some studying done. With "I'm Still Standing" firmly stuck in my head, I sang as I walked.

And that's when it happened.

I slipped. Down the stairs I fell, landing hard at the bottom, banging up my back real good in two places, and pulling my left wrist in a failed attempt to hold onto the handrail and stop my fall. So I'm a little sore, but not really injured. I should have a couple of really nice bruises. And thankfully, it's the left wrist and I'm right-handed. No real harm done.

Note to self: I am too clumsy to walk down a flight of stairs while singing "I'm Still Standing". It tempts the Fates just a little too much.

Studied hard. Still struggling. I hope I pass. I'd hate to have to retake this horrid class.

In any event, here is a picture of J standing in his crib.


Anonymous said...

What is it with your stairs?!?!

Maybe you need different carpet or something.

Momma Trish said...

I think the carpet is too slippery. We'll have to upgrade to berber or something.

At least I didn't put a hole in the wall!

Mary said...

Ow! Back pain sucks. I can relate. Let's hope this is the bad karma and the good karma will help you pass your exam. Go with that thought!