Thursday, November 17, 2005

Happy Baby

J went to bed early (for him) last night; around 11:00 or so. He went down without a fuss and slept through the night. He slept in this morning, then woke up happy, wanting a change and feed. After his morning milk and diaper change, he went back into his crib, where he played happily until he fell back asleep. I got caught up a bit on the sleep I would otherwise have missed last night, and even got some studying in before he awoke. (Hooray!) I also got most of the babyfood we made at New Moms' Network yesterday put into ice cube trays for freezing and storage for later use. (I love New Moms' Network! J has lots of yummy veggies in the deep freeze now, so YAY!!)

Just as I was thinking about heading in to check on J and make sure everything was okay (J doesn't usually nap for such a long stretch), he woke back up, happy and cooing. No tears! (Again, Hooray!) I changed him, and then took him downstairs for breakfast.

J polished off quite a large bowl of oatmeal and a generous helping of pears this morning. (Yesterday, he started green beans; they were a hit. He's a real veggie-lover so far.) He especially enjoyed drinking water from a cup this morning (no lid). Though much of it ended up in the scoop of his plastic bib, he managed to take in a pretty nice drink. He thinks it's fun to grab the handles of his cup and try to do it himself. He doesn't quite have that one figured out just yet, but he'll get there eventually.

I love it when J is happy!!

(Note to self: Must buy more ice cube trays today, as H broke one in half yesterday trying to get out a cube of frozen carrot.)

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