Friday, December 02, 2005

Anger is pointless

It gets you nothing. Anger is a futile and useless emotion. Anger is sometimes inevitable.

Tonight, we were getting ready to go to my staff Christmas party. We're all ready. Just need to thaw some milk for a bottle for J, so my parents will have some milk to feed him if he should get hungry.

Down to the deepfreeze to get milk.

Open the deepfreeze to find that it quit working (obviously this is a recent development, as we go down there quite often), and all the milk reserves are well thawed. As are all of J's vegetable and fruit cubes. And all of our meat, fish, veggies... Cost? I'm guessing around $200.

To add to the annoyance/anger/frustration, the deepfreeze is located right next to the furnace intake. So once we opened the well-thawed deepfreeze, the smell of the stale thawed rotting food went into the intake, and now the whole house smells like that. Sprayed some Lime Mate Mist into the vents, and it is a little bit better now, but it could take awhile to get that stench out of the air entirely. And we still have to empty out the deepfreeze and figure out what to do next. (I'm guessing we will need to buy a used deepfreeze, as this one is likely not repairable.)

So with no milk for J and plans for an evening out, we had no option but to buy formula tonight. We bought the formula. He didn't need it. We'll keep it. He may need it at some future date.

I am so completely futilely mad, I could just spit!

Anyway, we had a really nice time at the Christmas party. It was fun to see everybody again. Of course, it was a bit disconcerting to realize that I have lost my adult conversation skills and am incapable of discussing anything other than J. I trust these skills will return at some future date.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Try posting a "wanted" on Freecycle for a deep freeze. It's worth a try.