Thursday, December 29, 2005

Evening thoughts

Guilt by association sucks. Especially when no one is guilty of anything in any event.

Many people are stupid. I hate stupidity.

I also hate waiters who accidentally drop raspberry sauce on the seat of my chair while I am in the bathroom changing Mr. Poopy-pants.

On that subject, I hate bathrooms that are not equipped with change stations.

Raspberry sauce on the butt of a brand-new pair of tan corduroy pants is an ugly shade of purple.

When a raspberry sauce stain on the butt of a brand-new pair of tan corduroy pants is rubbed with a bar of Zest soap, the stain remains entrenched in the pants, but it turns a very ugly shade of deep green (almost teal, but uglier), even after it has been rinsed.

My baby is sweet, even when he screams.

Even the most tired baby will not sleep when his diaper is poopy.

Weddings make even the smartest and most logical person nutty.

Crepes are yummy.

J is not a big fan of corn.

In his little black, red and white tuxedo, with two small bits of shredded turkey hanging out of his mouth, J looks like a vampire. It makes me laugh!

Pepsi is not an adequate substitute for Coke.

It is bedtime.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Yes I think J wants to be as clean as possible after the trama H put him through when taking him to Home Depot with a poopy diaper. Aww...poor kid. Life is hard when you are little.