Friday, December 09, 2005

Every so often

Every so often, I get frustrated.

Every so often, I get jaded.

Every so often, I wonder what the point of it all is anyway.

Every so often, I wonder what people could possibly be thinking.

Every so often, I become disillusioned. Deeply, profoundly disillusioned.

Every so often, I think that nobody cares about anyone or anything but themselves and their own benefits, and I think that people are really just a bunch of nasty, self-serving, hateful creatures. And I ask why we are here, and what it is all for.

Every so often, I question people's perspective, and I wonder how some could be so very privileged. How it is possible that people may have such a poor understanding of the plights of others. How one may presume to judge another without having walked in another's shoes.

Every so often, I wonder what it would be like if we were all really nice to each other, if only for one day. If no one felt privileged and justified in their poor treatment of others. If no one was just ever-so-important and hurried, and so anxiously, urgently needed that they cut anyone else off in traffic and killed others in the ensuing massive collision. If Person A did not shoot and kill Person B because Person B was failing to do what Person A said to. If we could all just get along, consider the needs of others as well as our own.

Every so often, I wonder what happened to the premise of "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you", and I think this sentiment has gotten lost along the way. I wonder when we lost sight of what really matters, and how we would like to be treated ourselves. And every so often, I wonder why people just don't seem to treat those around them with kindness and respect.

Every so often, I get sad. Or angry. Or both. And I want to cry. Or scream. "GROW UP!" "GET SOME PERSPECTIVE!" "CARE!" But I think this would be futile, since no one listens to anybody else anyway, and I wonder why I should really bother.

And then...

Every so often, someone really special comes along. Someone who restores my faith in humanity. Someone who is kind, compassionate, and generous with others. Someone who sees a need and instinctively, immediately, selflessly rushes to fill that need.

Every so often, I get overwhelmed with gratitude for the special people I have in my life. For those who help, without even being asked. For those who are sensitive to the plights of others. For those who don't care if they are inconvenienced, as long as they can ensure that someone who needs help receives that help. For those who give of themselves. Their time. Their strength. Whatever they have. For those who are genuine. Thoughtful. Wonderful.

Every so often, I am reminded that there are people who will ensure that someone less fortunate will have enough to eat. Will stay warm. Will be cared for. Will feel the love of others surrounding them, even when they previously felt helpless. And hopeless. And I'm glad that those amazing, kind people are a part of my life.

People can be self-sacrificing. People can be genuine. People can consider their own needs and also those of others into the bargain.

People can care.

You impress me. Make me feel better. Make me happier. Make me a better person. And I am glad you are in my life.

Thank you, people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are a wonderful person and I am so happy that you have loving people in your life who go out of their way for you. You deserve it.

Since Christmas is the season of giving, it makes me feel good to hear that there are still people out there for whom self-sacrifice is not a dirty word.

When you love someone, be it eros, agape, philia, or storge, the joy that can come from doing something good for that person outweighs the minor inconveniences and effort that it may require from yourself.

It truly is more blessed to give than to receive. That's more than just a saying. Spreading love in the world is its own reward.