Tuesday, January 17, 2006

H is going to the doctor

He doesn't have a GP, so he will be going to the Medicentre, the source of all evil. But my GP isn't taking any new patients, and the Medicentre is open late, so that is where he must go. He will go after work.

H has had this cold since before Christmas. He just keeps on passing it on to J and myself. Now J has this ear infection on top of it. I have asthma, so colds are not something that I can afford to catch repeatedly, and I can only fight it off for so long. He has to get over it, one way or another.

I'm tired of all the balled up kleenexes. I'm tired of listening to the hacking cough (with or without the subsequent vomiting). I'm tired of not getting enough studying in, because I am either sick or looking after J throughout the evenings when H is sick. I'm tired of having to take inhalable steroids to combat my asthma when I catch it. I'm tired of listening to J cough and splutter when it overtakes him.

And I am particularly tired of going to bed accompanied by the sickening stench of Vick's Vaporub. I can't get H to stop using it. I've asked. Begged. Pleaded. But I can't get H to stop using it. Tonight, I swear he took a bath in the stuff. My sleep is suffering because I can't go to bed until really late, as the smell is too strong early on. And H is a night owl, so that means I am up into the wee small hours of the morning, waiting for the smell to dissipate. J doesn't really let me catch up on missed sleep during the day. And H is too sick to look after J for very long in the evenings. (Tonight, I had to stop studying because H didn't wake up when J was crying, so I needed to go and tend to J.) I may be sleeping in a chair in the nursery tonight, just so it will be a tad bit more bearable. But you know, the smell has seeped into the entire house now, and the nursery is almost as bad. J threw up tonight, and I briefly thought it smelled of Vaporub. I'm not even sure I can get away from the pungent aroma in the basement any longer.

I dearly hope the Medicentre can help H. Else, I may begin to get testy.


Mary said...

My Doc took L as a new patient when she wasn't taking any new ones. I thought family members were an exception. Maybe it depends on the Doctor. I'm surprised though.

Besides that cold is repeatedly circulating cause we need a cold snap of -20 or lower for a week to kill all the germs. Otherwise, the cold virus will just keep mutating and going around. Also, that Vapo-Rub has got to go!

Momma Trish said...

Yeah, most GPs will bend on the "No new patients" rule if it's immediate family. Mine won't, though; I asked. He has some health concerns (angina), and is having to slow down his practice for the sake of his health. So his rule is absolutely no new patients. Oh well.

I could make the ultimatum "Either the Vaporub goes or I go", but sadly, I think H might actually pick the Vaporub at this point. He seems overly attached to the stuff thse days.

Anonymous said...

You can get a list of doctors that are taking new patients from Capital Health. You can go to capitalhealth.ca and there is a quicklink called Find a Doctor.