Sunday, October 22, 2006


J awoke screaming this morning, after having bitten his bottom lip and drawn blood. It was a bad start to an otherwise good day.

Free breakfast, due to having had to endure unbearably poor service about a month ago. Food and service were both wonderful today. Nice tip left.

Went shopping. For J. Of course. J needed some new pants. And he also needed some toys more appropriate for his age and interests. A violin with bow that converts into an electric guitar and plays music appropriate for each instrument (the bow is particularly cool). A Mega Blocks remote controlled racecar that converts into a plane, snowplow, or boat. And the Mr. Potato-Head farm (a barn with all the pieces for Mr. Potato-Head, Mrs. Potato-Head, Mr./Mrs. Carrot-Head, Potato/Carrot-Cow, and Potato/Carrot-Pig). J enjoys his new toys. H and I enjoy them almost as much. Or maybe more. I don't know. But I do know that I love "Once Upon A Child". I spent far less than I had anticipated. Yes!

Studied a bit, but didn't get a heck of a lot done. Still not over this blasted cough. And my head hurts. Tired. Very tired. And I can't focus at all. I'd hoped to get through to the end of Module 6.5 today, and then I'd only have two more sections to finish. My quiz is due by Wednesday at noon. I need to complete most of the module to write the quiz. But I've just fizzled out partway through Module 6.4, and both 6.4 and 6.5 are long.

The quiz is complete in draft. I have tomorrow night and Tuesday night left to finish it. I'll submit it Tuesday. No point in rushing these things.

Very tired. Have drifted off a couple of times already. Must rest. Must be in good shape for tomorrow. And must somehow get rid of this stupid cold that keeps me coughing, coughing, coughing. My voice still isn't entirely back. I'd hate to lose it completely again. I'm not out of the woods yet.

And to that end, I am now going to bed. Good night, all!

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