Friday, April 20, 2007

J, you are 2!!!

J will not tell us his age. He refuses to talk about it at all. He does not even acknowledge that he has an age. Apparently, J is ageless.

H: How old are you?
J: NO!
H: How old is J?
J: NO!
H: Are you 2?
J: NO!
H: Are you 1?
J: NO!
H: Are you 3?
J: NO!
H: Are you 75?
J: NO!

Time passes ...

H: Did you have fun today?
J: Yeah.
H: Did you play?
J: Yeah.
H: Did you lie on the floor under a towel?
J: Yeah.
H: Did you play peekaboo?
J: Yeah.
H: Did you eat soup?
J: Yeah.
H: Was it good?
J: Yeah.
T: Are you a bunny?
J: Yeah.
H: Are you 2?
J: NO!

Time passes ...

H: And there were how many little bears?
J: Three bears.
H: Sitting on how many chairs?
J: Three chairs.
H: And how many little kittens?
J: Two kittens.
H: And how old is J?
J: NO!

Clearly, he is a force to be reckoned with.


In other news, I have to work tomorrow again. April is rough for me, and I have to put in a lot of overtime. It's been a long week. I'm still feeling sore. And I'm extremely temperamental. Cranky, if you will. Medication ... car accident ... stress ... exhaustion ... there's no need to decide. I couldn't, even if I wanted to. I swear, the entire house reeks of cat pee, and I just can't wait to get rid of this carpet and lay down the nice laminate flooring we've bought. I lost one of my expensive earrings today, which ticks me off something fierce. This is my lot; metal allergies make jewelry costly, and it's a nuisance when it gets lost. And tonight, J decided to sit in his little plastic sandbox wagon which is not sturdy at all; it toppled and he put his tooth through his little lip when he landed. And now, I have reflux. It's been a rough day. Next week is going to be terribly busy. And I can't wait for it to be May!!!

Breathe ... sleep ... tomorrow is another day ...

Another day of work ... oh well ...

1 comment:

Mary said...

Karma will one day bring things balance. You will get a reprieve. I believe that.

And J, what's up with the denial buddy? Doesn't want to be 2. Maybe it's Peter Pan syndrome. But even though, he's a sharp one. I thought you had him for sure. Nope.