Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A minor pregnancy annoyance


I get cravings daily now. Generally, around noon. I crave different things each day. None of the things I crave are in our regular diet, so we never have them in the house. And since I'm still on bedrest, I can't go out and get what I want when I want it. Nothing else sounds appetizing until the cravings have passed.

I still have morning sickness, but it is inaptly named, since it becomes worse in the evenings. So by the time H is off work and could pick up food for me, not only are the cravings gone, but the nausea is so pronounced that I can no longer eat anything at all. And since the cravings vary from day to day, I can't even anticipate them for the next day.

It would be infinitely better if the cravings occurred in the evening. But I have no say in the timing of this little annoyance.

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